03330 501 110 contact@ieg.energy

Reaching Net Zero Together

The UK’s commitment to Net Zero

The UK timeline to net zero has begun. Do your bit and join the commitment today.

Introduction - 2020

The net zero plan is introduced by UK Government

Power - 2035

The UK will be fully powered by renewable energy.

Decarbonisation - 2050

The decarbonisation process is due to complete

As a responsible business, we are focused on making changes to our business and our client’s businesses to help make a positive impact on our environment. Together we can make lots of small and big changes which will make a huge impact on the future of our planet.

Here are some changes as a business that you could make to help reduce your carbon emissions and improve the health of our planet. 

Install Commercial Solar Power on your premises to generate renewable and clean energy

Use energy efficient lighting such as LEDs throughout your premises to reduce energy usage and product wastage

Where possible, switch to hybrid or electric vehicles

Use local suppliers where possible to reduce carbon emissions through transport

There are many changes that you can make to make a positive impact. Start today by installing commercial solar power on your premises to save on your energy bills and reduce your carbon footprint.